Pelicans win NBA draft lottery and first chance鹈鹕队获得状元签

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Pelicans win NBA draft lottery and first chance鹈鹕队获得状元签视频直播
2019年NBA乐透抽签仪式在芝加哥举行,包括尼克斯、骑士、太阳在内,14支没有进入季后赛的球队参加了抽签。最终鹈鹕获得状元签,灰熊、尼克斯分获榜眼签、探花签。在所有14支球队中,鹈鹕抽中状元签的概率仅有6%,比尼克斯、骑士、太阳、公牛、老鹰、奇才6支队伍都要低,但鹈鹕最终收获意外之喜。这也是鹈鹕时隔7年之后再获状元签,2012年选秀大会,鹈鹕用状元签选择了“浓眉”安东尼·戴维斯。 New Orleans has bucked the odds and won the NBA draft lottery, and now will have the first chance at choosing Zion Williamson next month. 新奥尔良逆势而上,赢得了NBA选秀乐透,现在将有第一个机会在下个月选择锡安·威廉姆森。 The Pelicans won the lottery for the first time since 2012, when they selected Anthony Davis. And the lottery win comes after a season when Davis wanted a trade -- something that might not seem so appealing(有吸引力的;有感染力的;令人感兴趣的) to him now, not with Williamson likely coming to New Orleans. 鹈鹕队自2012年选中安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)以来首次中奖。在戴维斯想要被交易的一个赛季后,他中了彩票——现在看来,这似乎对他不太有吸引力,因为威廉姆森不太可能来新奥尔良。(虽然鹈鹕队拿到了状元签,但这样就能留下安东尼-戴维斯吗?) Spending the holidays in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing. 在英国度假对我并不特别有吸引力。 恳求的;可怜的;希望同情的 ‘Would you really help?’ he said with an appealing look. “你真的愿意帮忙吗?”他满脸恳求地说。 Memphis will choose second, New York third and the Los Angeles Lakers will pick fourth. 灰熊将选择第二,纽约第三,洛杉矶湖人将选择第四。 Williamson says he has never been to New Orleans. That might soon change. 威廉姆森说,他从未去过新奥尔良。这种情况可能很快就会改变。 The Pelicans were the biggest winners _ and the Grizzlies and the Lakers had reason to celebrate as well. They all moved up, much to the chagrin of teams like New York, Cleveland and Phoenix. The Suns, Cavs and Knicks all had the best chance of winning the lottery, and neither even got as much as a No. 2 pick. 鹈鹕是最大的赢家,灰熊和湖人也有理由庆祝。让纽约、克利夫兰和菲尼克斯这样的球队懊恼不已的是,他们的排名都在上升。太阳队、骑士队和尼克斯队都有最好的中奖机会,但他们都没有得到2号选秀权。 Williamson will have an excellent chance at seeing his name added to the list of other No. 1 picks who entered the league with much fanfare(号角花彩,号角齐鸣(欢迎仪式等上奏的响亮短曲);(为庆祝而在媒体上的)喧耀) in the lottery era, players like LeBron James, Tim Duncan, Shaquille O'Neal, David Robinson and Allen Iverson. 威廉姆森将有很好的机会看到他的名字被添加到其他在彩票时代大张旗鼓进入联盟的头号新秀名单上,这些球员包括勒布朗·詹姆斯、蒂姆·邓肯、沙奎尔·奥尼尔、大卫·罗宾逊和阿伦·艾弗森。 The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide. 这个产品在世界各地隆重推出。 Cleveland will pick fifth, Phoenix sixth, Chicago seventh, Atlanta eighth, Washington ninth, Atlanta again at 10th, Minnesota 11th, Charlotte 12th, Miami 13th and Boston 14th. That pick was conveyed to the Celtics by Sacramento as part of an earlier trade. 克利夫兰将排在第五,菲尼克斯第六,芝加哥第七,亚特兰大第八,华盛顿第九,亚特兰大第十,明尼苏达第十一,夏洛特第十二,迈阿密十三和波士顿十四。作为早期交易的一部分,这名球员被萨克拉门托传给了凯尔特人。 公众号:我爱安德森

Pelicans win NBA draft lottery and first chance鹈鹕队获得状元签

Pelicans win NBA draft lottery and first chance鹈鹕队获得状元签




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